Year 5 Curriculum
Unit 5: Poetic Styles & Instructions
Learning Objective - L5.1
To plan and manage a group task over time using different levels of planning.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.2
To understand different ways to take the lead, supporting others in groups and understanding the process of decision making.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.3
To spell words containing unstressed vowels.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.4
To group and classify words according to their spelling patterns and their meanings.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.5
To make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.6
To compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.7
To explore how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.8
To compare how a common theme is presented in poetry, prose and other media.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.9
To reflect independently and critically on their own writing and edit and improve it.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.10
To adapt non-narrative forms and styles to write fiction or factual texts, including poetry.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.11
To punctuate sentences accurately in my writing.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.12
To reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective
Learning Objective - L5.13
To use and recognise the impact of theatrical effects in drama.
- National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
- Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective